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O-Live Environmental Association
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About us

The O-Live Environmental Association, based in Prado del Rey, Cádiz, stems from the idea of four young people with experience in conservation biology and scientific research. After several years of working for different entities they have decided to create their own project to overcome several issues in the field of conservation.

Our work takes place in the Natural Park of the Sierra de Grazalema. This area is facing a number of environmental and social issues including ecosystem degradation, declining biodiversity, the intensification of farming methods, abandonment of traditional activities, aging of the local population and the rural exodus.


















Sierra de Cádiz O-Live

O-Live seeks to launch a sustainable rural development project which, in the long term, could serve as an example to be replicated in other areas. The study and conservation of the nature, as well as the sustainable integration of human activities in the environment, are our pillars with which we seek to solve the problems described above.

We believe that giving prominence to agro-ecological products and local resources (traditional farmers' knowledge, agricultural and livestock varieties, or the agricultural landscape), the supplementation with other economic activities (environmental education, agro-tourism) and the development of short marketing circuits are the best alternatives to the loss of competitiveness that rural areas are suffering lately.


*All the images of nests or captured bird were taken during authorised scientific experiments

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