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Olivares Vivos


Olive cultivation is one of the most important agricultural activities in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, not only due to economic and cultural factors but also to thefor its importance it has as an ecosystem. The O-Live environmental association pursues a change in the model of for the production of the olive groves. Controlling the product from its origin until its commercialization, we look for profitability in the final product, a quality organic oil. Currently the trade of the olive as a raw material suffers a continuous loss of profitability, which however the trade of quality oils does not experience.


This project seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • Creation of a profitable and replicable model of management through the enhancement of agricultural, natural and cultural resources of the olive grove.

  • Combat the loss of biodiversity and degradation of olive groves as an agro-system.

  • Creation of research framework applied to the cultivation of the olive grove and to the conservation of its biodiversity, through collaboration with different research centres in order to obtain new information to improve our management plans.

  • Use cultural and natural heritage associated with olive groves as a training and disclosure tool.

  • Developing educational programs through workshops, volunteering and work camps.

Additional objectives will be added in accordance with Birdlife Spain’s “Olivares Vivos” program, in which our study area is integrated.


For more information about Birdlife Spain’s “Olivares Vivos” project see the following link:




O-Live Environmental Association


*All the images of nests or captured bird were taken during authorised scientific experiments

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Olivares Vivos
Olivar O-Live
Timon lepidus
Aceituna zorzaleña
Logo Olivares vivos
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